Monday, January 13, 2014

This is how it happens....

Last week I went to the gym and attempted to keep up with #45MilesInJanuary but both treadmills were out of commission for one reason or another and then my Jeep's battery died and I ended up walking home in the cold.  It took what seemed like forever before we got the new battery installed but now the Jeep is purring.  Friday I left the house around 8:30 a.m. and didn't get home until 9 p.m.  I had to pick up books for school, had a lunch date with a friend, met another friend in order to do some birthday shopping and then met up with my ΑΣΑ sisters.  It was a great day.  Saturday and Sunday were pretty much a blur because I spent Saturday visiting the in-laws, and getting things ready for classes (which start today) and yesterday, Sunday I was confined to bed.

Now, faster than anyone wanted is the Monday that spring classes begin.  I had a great break, but it always goes by too fast and I often reflect on the things I did not get done rather than the things I did.  On a positive note I have one assignment partially completed and that makes me feel accomplished for this Monday morning.

#45MilesInJanuary update 

Stuck at 17 miles...

xoxo Gwen

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