Thursday, January 2, 2014


I have been getting more involved in social media as of late.  It seems that's how we communicate anymore. I still prefer the handwritten letter.  That is why I am considering starting a Campus Cursive Chapter at my school through MoreLoveLetters, but first, I have to make sure I have the time to do it, before I take on such a big responsibility.  I already have a lot on my plate this semester.

Through Instagram one of the lovely ladies I follow @hannahlarson42 issued a challenge for the New Year. It's called #45MilesInJanuary and you can walk or run the miles, but the goal for the month is 45 miles - using that hash tag to stay motivated and accountable.  I have not tackled anything like this, ever.  Ever since I joined the Army and injured my ankle, then knee, then through another stroke of bad luck gained a serious amount of weight it has been a struggle to run consistently at all.  My soccer coach from high school would be so disappointed.  He had us running 5 miles every practice.  Needless to say, after my time in the Army I have had a serious lack of exercise routine in my life.  I started yoga about 19 months or so ago, but again no real routine.  I plan to stick with yoga though.  I really do enjoy it.  I wish studio classes did not cost so much.  To stay motivated, with yoga at least, I signed up for a level 2 yoga class at school for the spring semester. The class is twice a week, so at the very least I will have that.

The challenge
Now for the #45MilesInJanuary it's a different story.  The plan is to hit the gym at my apartment as often as I can to tally up my miles.  I will be snapping pictures along the way to stay accountable and posting them to my Instagram @lavendermud.  This morning I walked 3 miles.  The familiar aches and pains reminded me how out of shape I really am.  Yes, it's embarrassing.  But it's a challenge, it's not supposed to be easy!  As I write this I am still in my workout clothes and my left arch is killing me, but I'm not going to let it stop me. Not this early in the game.
1st mile of the challenge
2 more miles, bringing my total to 3 so far.
xoxo Gwen

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