Wednesday, January 15, 2014


I had this idea for awhile.  I actually started it with leaving sticky notes on mirrors when I went to restaurants and public bathrooms.  I occasionally slipped one into a book in stores and libraries.  Now there is an official website that you can go to for inspiration and encouragement about this project that has grown into so much more than the founder and creative director, Hannah Brencher, ever imagined.

You can participate in the requested letters bundle, become a campus rep, or just read over the hundreds of ideas, letters, and words of encouragement on the site.  It's a great way to continue the art of letter writing in a day of social media, texts, tweets, and pins.  Please join in this movement, it's one I strongly believe in!

Meanwhile, be on the look out.  Now that school has started and I am out and about more often keep your eyes peeled for one of these treasures.

xoxo Gwen

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