Just as important as the white dress is for ritual attire, shoes are equally important. They have to be comfortable, because you will be on your feet for an extended period of time. If you're anything like me you'll also want them to be fashionable. Flats are an option, however personally not for me. I never wear heels, but I wanted my initiation to be extra special so I went all out with the dress and heels. Just remember you will be wearing pantyhose as well so you might want to take a pair with you when you're shopping. If not, the pantyhose "socks" shoe stores provide when trying on new shoes should give you an idea how it will fit and feel.
Again it's important to remember they should be white (not cream, ivory or off-white, etc). If you're not used to walking in heels there's no shame in practicing walking around your dorm room, the halls, your house, or apartment before the big day.
After you have your dress and your shoes you're one step closer to being ready. Stay tuned next week for Part 3 to this series.
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