Monday, August 11, 2014

I'm Leaving Blogger

On December 11, 2013 I wrote my first official post. It featured yummy Candy Bar Pretzel Bites. Since that time I have written about a variety of things. Other recipes, yoga, theatre, my sorority stories, DIY ideas and everything in between have been featured within these pages. I can't exactly say why I started this blog other than I read other blogs, enjoy writing and figured why not.....
During my trip home to visit my parents at the beginning of the month my dad and I sat down and chatted about my blog and taking it to the next level. He suggested that we buy my very own URL and change things up a bit. At first I was very nervous, but after thinking about it and realizing I do want to take things further I decided to make the leap.
The content is the same, although I do have some ideas that I hope to be doing this Fall. The blog name is the same, all my old posts have been exported and I have been dressing it up a bit over the last few days. The only difference is the URL which I hope is easier to remember. Take a trip over to the new blog and subscribe.
Check me out at
Add me to your favorites, leave some comments, suggests, etc. I'd love to hear from you!

xoxo Gwen

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